Michael Catarevas and Jesse Williams

Michael Catarevas is a senior editor for RISMedia and Jesse Williams is content director for RISMedia Premier.

Comments 3

  1. Bret Menze says:

    Great content guys. My only comment is that you reference W-2s a few times. Real estate agents are independent contractors. We receive a 1099 at the end of the year, not a W-2.

  2. Frank Serra says:

    Huge bullet point detailing it is not a part time job. I just got my license, and decided to start part time until i can lay some groundwork. I am fortunate my daytime job, gives me freedom to do what i need to do. My team knows my goal is to leave and focus full time on real estate. I am totally aware unless “Aunt Pat” calls me to list her home, working part time is not the key to success. I get it. As for being entrepreneurial, I love it. My job now is pretty much 7 days a week, so time, energy, and effort are not a problem. Great piece Michael.

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