Message from Our CEO

john_featherston.jpgWelcome to the all-new!

I am proud to welcome you to RISMedia's brand new Web site, which we have been developing for several months to offer you, our readers and preferred clients, the most dynamic, new offering of news, features, products, events and educational tools available in the real estate industry today.

The all-new features not only a fresh, new look on our homepage, but also a host of easily navigated new features, including instant access to the real estate news and information that matters to you most, a user-friendly searchable database of over 1.2 million brokers, agents and service providers to support your lead generation efforts, access to the industry's leading educational tools through our all-new Career Center, partnered with industry guru Stefan Swanepoel, as well as instant access to the host of RISMedia print and online products including: Real Estate magazine, Daily e-News from, Power Broker Annual Report & Survey, Power Broker Network Report, Power Team Report, Custom Magazine Supplements, Trends Reports, and so much more.

The all-new offers you, our loyal readers and preferred clients a whole new way to leverage your relationship with the industry's leading provider of news and information to the real estate industry. On our homepage, you'll find new features such as "Featured Listing of the Week," a new Flash version of Real Estate magazine, Special Promotions you'll want to know about, and our newly designed and easier to use Free News Feed, as well as the features you've always loved on such as our weekly poll and profile.

All of this provides the framework around what we do best: delivering you the premier source of news and information in our industry. All the features you're used to seeing are there–just formatted in a much easier way to deliver to you what you want to access the most. Leading news of the day followed by our popular HOMESpun Wisdom, followed by the month's cover story in Real Estate magazine and then news by category to get you where you need to be fast.

I invite you to explore the all-new, research our archives dating back to 2001 and sign up for our Daily e-News if you aren't already receiving it. Unlike our competition, all content–our Archives, Daily e-News and Real Estate magazine on–is FREE to our readers, further giving you more information than can be found anywhere online about real estate and further giving you the EDGE over your competition.

BE IN THE KNOW! Explore the all-new and gain the competitive edge needed in today's real estate marketplace!

Wishing you continued success,

John E. Featherston

CEO and Publisher


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