RISMEDIA, February 18, 2010—If you’re like most entrepreneurs that I coach, you have undoubtedly asked yourself this question, “Do I have what it takes to succeed?” either on a conscious or subconscious level.
Chances are you do have everything that it takes to succeed. By that I mean that most likely you do have the knowledge and the experience and the expertise that would make you successful. However, you probably also have some doubts and self limiting beliefs.
The following tips will help strengthen your confidence in yourself so that when you ask yourself the question, “Do I have what it takes to succeed?” you will end up with a resounding yes.
Tip 1: Make a list of your inner and outer resources. Title this list, “I have all I need to succeed.” Be sure to put on the list both your inner and outer resources. An example of inner resources are those qualities within yourself such as intelligence, perseverance, motivation, determination and so forth. In addition, you also have outer resources. You may have a coach or a mentor. You may have a supportive family, or a supportive boss or colleagues. Outer resources include anything in your outer environment that feels supportive for you.
Be sure to fill this list as full as possible and when it is full, look at it frequently to remind yourself of all the support that you have.
Tip 2: Write a list of the qualities that make you an outstanding professional. My experience in coaching entrepreneurs for 13 years is that they don’t realize how good they are. For example, you probably don’t realize that you have a unique set of characteristics that make you the ideal professional for your clients. If you are a people person and you focus on educating your clients, and you are detail oriented, that’s a great package. In addition, if you have an abundance of patience to offer, then you’re combining qualities that many people don’t have.
Take a look at what you really do when you service your clients. Do you find a way to make their work with you comfortable for them? And what qualities help you do that? Is it that you love to be of service? Do you love to be a problem solver? Do you have an eye for details? Do you love to educate? Are you excellent at managing your client’s expectations?
Each of has something that makes us feel passionate about what we do. If we focus on that, we will feel highly confident of our ability to be an outstanding entrepreneur.
Tip 3: Reprogram your self limiting beliefs. Perhaps this the most important tip of all. The one thing that stops most people from believing that they have the ability to succeed are self-limiting beliefs. And these self limiting beliefs could have been with you for decades. For example, I was recently working with a client named Linda. She was very a bright, intelligent child; however, at age ten, after her parents divorced, she was taught to be quiet. She was taught that the way to be safe was to be invisible. Her survival strategy then was to shrink and withdraw.
All of our beliefs manifest out in our adult life unless we reprogram them. This particular programming that Linda had as a child manifested in her adult life as a fear of picking up the phone and offering her services. She believed that if she called people she would be bothering them. She believed that people didn’t want to hear from her. She believed that she might be seen as pushy, and she believed that she might be seen as a salesperson. Consequently, she didn’t make the calls and consequently her business was suffering.
When I helped her remove those false beliefs and to see that the early program that she put into her consciousness, to be quiet and invisible was no longer helpful to her, she forged ahead. She regained her confidence, and began to realize that she did have a valuable service to offer and people would be happy to hear from her.
Of course our thoughts create our reality. If you call people with the expectation that they will be happy to hear from you, then you will create that as your reality.
Dr. Maya Bailey, author of Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals, integrates 20 years of experience as a psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction. Get Bailey’s free report, 7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days, by visiting www.90DaystoMoreClients.com.