A real estate professional does not become a success overnight. Successful brokers and agents thrive because of their unbridled enthusiasm, unfailing determination and an insatiable desire to be at the forefront of the industry. They are hard working, diligent and focused.
The reason for their success isn’t difficult to pinpoint, but it can be tough to recreate– unless of course, you pay close attention to a few of their shared traits. Look to adopt the following five qualities to start you on your path to success:
1. Honesty
This is number one on our list and should be at the top of yours for obvious reasons. Honesty is not a quality a successful real estate professional can exist without. Honesty requires that you are upfront and transparent in all that you do. Honesty is telling the truth, even when the truth isn’t pretty. Honesty means that you conduct your business in a sincere and trustworthy manner at all times, no matter what the consequences.
2. Passion
Passion is addictive. It draws people to you as they sense the excitement you feel about what you are privileged to do every day.
Successful real estate agents do not act like they are worn out, beaten down and kicked to the curb by the industry. Their enthusiasm is not over-rated hype; it is undeniably one of the most important tools in any agent’s arsenal. It can and will make you indubitably attractive to those clients you wish to connect with.
3. Risk Taker
Building a business will not allow you to take a back seat to opportunity. Building a successful business requires that you step out in faith and embrace risk, better yet, calculated risk It is all about taking the risk and reaping the reward.
4. Tenacious
Successful real estate agents pick themselves up and dust off the fear, anxiety and self-loathing that may have seeped in from yesterday’s events. They look rejection straight in the eye and roar into the day that can and will be.
Successful agents are resolute in what their vision of tomorrow should look like. They are bold, brash and indifferent to the small voice in their head telling them to let it go, pack it up and move on.
5. Compassionate
Potential clients want to know that they are important to you. They need to “feel” valuable and know that you respect their needs, desires and their opinions. If you can give people what they want, they will provide you with what you need to do your job well
Successful real estate agents are creative, inspirational, sensitive, endearing, responsive and so much more. What success skills have you learned over your career that you would pass along to others?
Source: Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Blog